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The Mic Drop: Season Three

22nd Jul 2022

The Mic Drop is a collaborative podcast with the sole purpose of creating a space ‘for migrants by migrants’ exercising agency and exchange through a shared space of collective thinking, storytelling and debate. It is created through a long-term collaboration between members of Many Hands One Heart and Larry Achiampong.

Project Details
  • Podcast,
  • Collectivity
Creative Team
  • Contributor: Parsa
  • Contributor: Manono
  • Contributor: Sam
  • Contributor: Jared
  • Contributor: Mimi Gashi
  • Contributor: Steve Earle
  • Contributor: Shereen Cowley,
  • Interviewer: Mohammed Taher
  • Interviewer and Project Assistant: Arthur Britney Joestar
  • Project Artist and Contributor: Larry Achiampong
  • Project Producer: Emily Gee

Listen to Season Three of The Mic Drop here, and on our Spotify and Anchor pages. This season we introduce some new voices, as well as returning to chat with some Mic Drop regulars, for conversations around personal experiences of navigating the asylum system, stories of LGBTQ+ solidarity, the meeting of faith and sexuality and, of course, a new game review from Britney and Larry.

Season Three Episodes

Episode One: Parsa and Mo

Kicking off Season Three of The Mic Drop we welcome new member Parsa to the crew. In this episode Parsa meets with Mic Drop favourite Mo to share memories and similarities in their experiences of growing up in Iran, as well as the differences across generations. Stayed tuned until the end for a vocal treat from this musical duo!

About Parsa and Mo

Parsa is a gay man born and raised in Iran. Parsa left his home country to seek a new life with freedom and the right to be who he wanted to be. Parsa claimed asylum in the UK in 2021.

Mohammed Taher has been a Community Development Officer working with BAME communities for the last 10 years. Mohammed, also known as Mo, has mainly been working with people seeking asylum and refugees in Liverpool to support their mental health.

Mo helped to start Many Hands One Heart (MHOH) in 2016 in partnership with Sahir House and Armistead. During the last 4 years he has worked with MHOH to organise several events for the International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia and Transphobia, and has helped them to develop several projects such as The Mic Drop.


Transcript of The Mic Drop - Season Three, Episode One: Parsa and Mo

Episode Two: Faith and Sexuality

We welcome back The Mic Drop favourites, Sam and Manono! They are joined by a new special guest; Kieran from the Open Table Network. Together, the panel discuss their experiences within the Christian faith and how this intersects with their sexuality, sharing stories of how religion has been used to exclude people as well as how faith has been an important route to finding community.

About OIpen Table Network

The Open Table Network (OTN) is a growing partnership of communities across England and Wales which welcome and affirm people who are: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans, Queer or Questioning, Intersex & Asexual (LGBTQIA), their families, friends & anyone who wants to belong in an accepting, loving community. Kieran is the primary contact point to join the network in Liverpool. To contact Kieran and Liverpool’s Open Table, visit their website.


Transcript of The Mic Drop - Season Three, Episode Two: Faith and Sexuality

Episode Three: LGBTQ+ Life in Latin America (in Spanish)

Hola mis amores! Jared speaks to The Mic Drop Queen Arthur Britney, to walk the path of nostalgia and remember how they grew up being LGBTQ+ in the context of living in conservative countries, in the secrecy of basements and dark streets.

This episode transcript is available in the original language (Spanish) and in English translation.

About Jared

Jared is a gay man, born in Guatemala. He left his home country due to issues with the homophobic society and gangs. He claimed asylum in the UK in 2021 and joined Many Hands One Heart in April 2022. Jared has shared personal stories through the Mic Drop and at events including IDAHOBIT 2022 and The Mic Drop Pride Tour.


Transcript of The Mic Drop - Season Three, Episode Three: LGBTQ+ Life in Latin America (in Spanish)


Transcript of The Mic Drop - Season Three, Episode Three: LGBTQ+ Life in Latin America (in English)

Episode Four: Hollow Knight Game Review

Arthur Britney and Larry are back to talk about their favourite topic - gaming! Larry managed the impossible by coaxing Arthur Britney out of their Nintendo comfort zone to review independent developer Team Cherry's Metroidvania game Hollow Knight, so strap in, fire up your Switches and prepare for the quest.


Transcript of The Mic Drop Season Three, Episode Four: Hollow Knight Game Review

Episode Five: Many Hands One Heart

Time to <<rewind. In this episode we hear from the professionals who started the project which was to become Many Hands One Heart.

Mo Taher is joined by Mimi Gashi, Asylum caseworker; Steve Earle, Sahir House Chief Manager; and Shereen Cowley, our MHOH facilitator. So settle in for this history-packed episode.

Mimi, Steve, Mo and Shereen discuss why it was so important to create a specific space for LGBTQ+ refugees and asylum seekers in Merseyside, the unique challenges they faced and why this group continues to be more crucial than ever in the face of the expansion of hostile immigration and border policies in the UK.

About Many Hands One Heart

Many Hands One Heart – Liverpool's Asylum and Refugee LGBT Support Network – is a network that supports people seeking asylum and refugees living in Liverpool and the surrounding areas who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual and/or trans. The network is led by Sahir House.

Many Hands One Heart was established in March 2016 and has already supported over 100 members. We provide a fortnightly safe and confidential meeting space to enable our members to meet, socialise and receive information, advice and support from a range of relevant professionals and organisations.


Transcript of Transcript Season Three, Episode Five: Many Hands One Heart

Episode Six: No Pride in Detention

In this episode The Mic Drop star Jared interviews Rainbow Migration’s Campaigns Manager Emma Webb about their current campaign: No Pride in Detention, which calls for an end to LGBTQI+ detention and a 28-day time limit for all immigration detention. Emma and Jared talk us through what exactly detention is, how this system works and the specific dangers it poses to LGBTQI+ individuals.

Find out more about this Rainbow Migration campaign.

Content warning: This episode discusses detention experiences, structural violence, homophobia and transphobia.

Rainbow Migration support resources:

The Right to Remain toolkit on Immigration Detention

The Right to Remain zine for people at risk of detention and their supporters

Bail for Immigration Detainees (BID)’s self-help guide on how to get out of detention

We've loved sharing this season of The Mic Drop with you and it'd be great to hear what you think. You can leave us feedback over on our Anchor page or send us a message here. You can now also subscribe to The Mic Drop over on Spotify.