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12 On Now

It's Cool to be Kind

1st Feb 2020
Project Details
  • Care
Creative Team
  • Artist: Kate Hodgson

A tote bag for our times

Together with young women in St Helens, artist Kate Hodgson designed a tote bag in response to the current COVID-19 situation.

The design has been inspired by a series of creative workshops Kate delivered with young care leavers living in St Helens during February and March, just before lockdown happened.

The words: 'It's Cool To Be Kind' are written in white capitalised text on a blue background

In the creative workshops Kate and the young women explored lots of ideas including how different shapes and colours represent different moods and emotions, and together created a series of designs exploring these ideas.

The ‘It’s Cool to be Kind’ design has been screen printed onto 300 tote bags which will be made available to young people living in St Helens.

Kate Hodgson

Kate is a visual artist from St Helens who works across the Northwest. Her practice explores how art can be democratic and taken outside the confines of a gallery space.