Join us for an extra special screening of a documentary film created by children at Broad Oak Community Primary School with artists Andy Field and Beckie Darlington. Our young artist collaborators, supported by Andy and Beckie, researched and created this film, as part of Project Parr in dialogue with and for the people from the place they call home.
The Beautiful Things About features interviews with a range of members of the local community (from taxi drivers and teachers to chip shop owners and former miners) and tells the story of Parr through the children’s eyes. Every part of the project has been shaped by children ages 8 to 11 as they explore their neighbourhood and imagine its future.
Come celebrate the creativity of our young people and hear their reflections on living in Parr and ideas about its future.
Event Schedule
1.30pm: Introduction from the children of Broad Oak Primary School
1.45pm: Film screening (30 mins)
2.15pm: Reflections and time to chat
The event will finish at 2.30pm.
With special thanks for participation in the film
Cath Brooks (Health Promotion Officer, Torus Foundation), Nicola Griffiths (Volunteer Coordinator, St Helens Health and Wellbeing Services), Stewart Brown (former Bold Colliery Miner), Councillor Bisi Osundeko (Elected Labour Councillor for Parr ward, St Helens), Miss Bancroft, Geoff Newton (AtoB Taxis), Ervis Kalemi (The Master Fryer Fish Bar), Bill, Dolly, Joe and staff at Madison Court Care Home, the team at Save Express Convenience Store, Parr Sports and Community Centre and Derbyshire Hill Family Centre, and to all of the staff at Broad Oak Community Primary School.
Thanks also to Sue and John Darlington, Mike Myshko, Tamsin Curry, Gary Conley and Jim Housley (Northwest Miners Heritage Association).
Find out more about the project, and how the film was created.
Project Parr has been supported using public funding by Arts Council England and Paul Hamlyn Foundation.