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23 On Now

Other Ways of Telling

18th Feb 25th Mar 2015

The Other Ways of Telling group will focus on developing specific performance skills of participants, such as acting, physical theatre and voice.

Event Details
  • Workshop,
  • Collectivity

A theatre group for adults who want to develop their artistic skills and create a piece of street theatre

Other Ways of Telling is a theatre group for adults who want to develop their artistic skills and create a piece of street theatre with a team of professional artists.

Since 2012 Collective Encounters has worked with St. Helens Arts Service and a variety of other partners to deliver participatory workshops to people accessing or at risk of accessing adult health and social care services.

This year, the Other Ways of Telling group will shift away from the adult health and social care agenda and will focus on developing specific performance skills of participants, such as acting, physical theatre and voice. Weekly workshops will lead to a performance that will take place in April looking at voter turnout and engagement prior to the General Election 2015.

Other Ways of Telling is a Collective Encounters project supported by Heart of Glass, St Helens Council and Arts Council England.

Each Wednesday on

18th February
25th February
4th March
11th March
18th March
25th March

5pm – 7pm

St Helens Central Library, Victoria Square, St.Helens, WA10 1DY

If you’re interested in joining the group contact Aidan Jolly on 07505 670 420 or email

To learn more about the group and the work which they’ve done in the past, take a look here

For more information about Collective Encounters, please visit