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Madlove Take Over: The Suicide Chronicles: Chronicle One

1st Nov 30th Nov 2019
Event Details
  • Care

Joanne Lyne, Angela Samata and Lisa Vint with Mark Storor.

Suicide can be a very public death, whilst simultaneously an intense private experience for those who grieve. In Chronicle One, three women reclaim this experience and give an audience public access to a private world. The Suicide Chronicles is a long-term collaborative artistic project created in St Helens, which currently has the highest suicide rates in England and Wales. The project seeks to address the lack of an effective language through which we can publicly discuss this issue.

The artworks were presented everyday in the Madlove Take Over Space. The space was open 11am-6pm, Tues-Sat, throughout November.

The Madlove Take Over space is safe, welcoming and accessible. Please find more access information and a map of the venue below.

The Suicide Chronicles are dedicated to those who have lost their lives and to those who have been affected by suicide.

Film: Chris Keenan

Photography: Stephen King

Sound: Jules Maxwell

With special thanks to SoBS (Survivors of Bereavement by Suicide) St Helens.


Access Information


Map of the Venue


Samaritans: 116123 A safe place for you to talk anytime (24h, free).

Papyrus: 0800 068 41 41 Prevention of Young Suicide (free & confidential).

AMPARO: 0330 088 9255 Support for anyone affected by suspected or actual suicide.

Shout: text 85258 The UK’s first text support for anyone in crises, anywhere, anytime.


Suicide Prevention Available on Google Play and Apple App Store now.

Stay Alive App Packed full of useful information and tools to help you stay safe in a crisis.

Calm Harm App Tasks, information & support to help you resist the urge to self-harm.