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The Faculty North Resources

11th Jan 2023

A resource for practitioners working at the intersection of arts and social transformation.

Resource Details
Creative Team
  • Assistant Producer and Tech Support: Callum Bayne
  • Facilitator: Chrissie Tiller
  • Facilitator: Kerry Morrison
  • Producer: Patrick Fox
  • Producer: Emma Fry
  • Producer: Paul Hartley

In 2021, we teamed up with In-Situ to deliver The Faculty North. This artist development programme provided 35 people with the opportunity to explore the practice of socially engaged art in a collaborative setting.

The Faculty North was led by Chrissie Tiller (Power Up) and Kerry Morrison (In-Situ co-founder and artist) and delivered online due to Covid-19. All the sessions were recorded and have now been edited into a resource pack for everyone to use.

As part of this resource pack, we invited Grace Collins to write a critical reflection of their experience of the Faculty. Grace was a participant of The Faculty North and is currently working as a Writer-in-Residence at Heart of Glass. You can read Grace's reflective piece here.

We also made The Faculty North the subject of an episode of our podcast series Conversations Over A Brew. In this episode Grace and Kerry meet (online) to discuss the challenges of working collaboratively in socially distanced times. You can listen to this episode here.

What did you think?

If you found this, or any of our other resources useful, we'd love to hear your thoughts! Share images of work created by your students, or any feedback with our Producer, Nat:

Sharing your creations on social media? Tag us on Instagram @ourheartofglass!

Online Resources

The programme pivoted around four panel discussions which opened up space to explore themes and topics prescient to socially engaged art today. The panel guests were selected for their expertise and diverse experience as social arts practitioners. You can find recordings of these panel discussions below along with links to further reading and listening material.

Panel Discussion Recordings

1) Context and Discourse: Chrissie Tiller (chair), Barby Asante, Hassan Mahamdallie, Isabel Lima.

2) Ethics, Ethos and Politics: Chrissie Tiller (chair), Anne-Marie Cullhane, Fox Irving, Kerry Morrison, and Stella Barnes.

3) Practice and Skills: Kerry Morrison (chair), Amy Pennington, Chris Davis, Gemma Nash, and Jessica El Mal.

4) Self Care and Beyond: Chrissie Tiller (chair), R.M. Sancheź-Camus, Ocean Farani, and Sheila Ghelani.

Further Reading

Heart of Glass recently teamed up with Battersea Arts Centre to produce Considering Co-Creation, a report commissioned by Arts Council England to survey the current landscape of collaborative and social art practice in England.

As part of this report, Chrissie Tiller compiled a literature review, which can be taken as a complimentary reading list for The Faculty programme. We've made the report available as a download below. You can also access the report via Arts Council England's website.

Included within Considering Co-Creation are three podcast episodes which explore experiences of co-creation from the perspectives of artists, producers and collaborators. Unpicking the politics and ethics behind making art together, these conversations provide excellent companion pieces to the panel discussions.


Considering Co-Creation