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Conversations Over A Brew: Season 1, Episode 2

6th Nov 2020

In our second episode, the focus is on art and work, explored through a really fascinating conversation between artist Michelle Browne and Gary Conley.

Gary is an ex miner and a bit of an all around local legend and good egg here in St Helens, and Michelle is an interdisciplinary artist who we've had the good fortune of working with over the last number of years.

Gary and Michelle have been working together on an upcoming project titled World of Work, which is a new cooperative game, an exploration of labour histories and futures, where the aim is to achieve a collective win.

This podcast was recorded in early 2020, before the COVID-19 restrictions took effect, and so was recorded in person in St Helens (HoGcasts are typically recorded in St Helens, over a brew but that may change in months to come).

So much goes into the making of a new artwork, that you might not ever get to see or experience. So these conversations are a window into the process of making work.

This podcast is about the power of listening and conversation, and how making art can bring us together and create change.


Episode transcript

Michelle Browne