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13 On Now

Conversations Over A Brew: Season 1, Episode 1

10th May 2020

Our first 20 minute episode focuses on art and mental health. It features a fascinating conversation between artist / activist the vacuum cleaner (James Leadbitter) and Fox Irving, mental health nurse and artist (not necessarily in that order).

Fox and James worked together on the Madlove Take Over, our arts festival which took place in November 2019.

This podcast was recorded in late 2019 and so was recorded in person in St Helens (HoGcasts are typically recorded in St Helens, over a brew but that may change in months to come).

So much goes into the making of a new artwork, that you might not ever get to see or experience. So these conversations are a window into the process of making work.

This podcast is about the power of listening and conversation, and how making art can bring us together and create change.


Episode transcript

Fox Irving