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Welcoming our new Chair of the Board of Trustees

10th Sep 2024
Short Read

We’re delighted to announce the appointment of Tracy Gentles as the new Chair of our Board of Trustees. Tracy will take over from our outgoing Chair Joanna Rowlands, who has served the organisation for nearly a decade, later this year.

Joanna who is currently Director of Marketing and Communications at ACC Liverpool Group joined Heart of Glass shortly after our inception.

She is stepping down after nine years of dedicated service, during which time we’ve grown from a St Helens based Creative People and Places project to a National Portfolio organisation working across Merseyside and beyond.

Reflecting on her time, Joanna says:

“It’s been incredible to be part of Heart of Glass, as a board member and later as Chair. I’ve been proud to see the organisation grow into a vital force in the communities it serves and become an ever-increasing influence in the arts sector. The talented team work so hard and with such care, hand in hand with communities and artists to produce groundbreaking work and challenge preconceptions about the value of arts participation. I’m delighted to be handing the baton of Chair over to Tracy Gentles. She has the perfect blend of expertise and experience to lead Heart of Glass into its next exciting chapter, and I can’t wait to see what they achieve together.”

Tracy brings over 20 years of experience in the creative industries to her new role as Chair. With a background spanning performing arts, academia, health, social justice, and technology, she is currently the Artistic Director and CEO of SICK! Festival, a leading arts and health-focused organisation based in Manchester. Gentles has a long history of championing diversity, equity, and inclusion through her work, particularly focusing on amplifying underrepresented voices and facilitating entry points for new audiences and participants.

Reflecting on her new role, Tracy says:

“I am immensely honoured to be stepping into the role of Chair at Heart of Glass, an organisation I have long admired, and at a pivotal moment for the UK arts sector. Heart of Glass has consistently championed the socially engaged practices that inspire me, placing communities and artists at the heart of their work. Recent years have brought social, political, and economic challenges that have reshaped the cultural landscape, presenting both significant challenges and opportunities. In this context, artists working deeply within communities, like those supported by Heart of Glass, play a crucial role in fostering connections as well as helping us to reimagine our world. Heart of Glass occupies a unique position, and I am excited to work with such a talented team and fellow Trustees to build upon the organisation’s impact to date and ensure Heart of Glass remains a leading voice in this vital work.”

Patrick Fox our CEO, says:

“I know I speak on behalf of the board and staff both past and present, when I say we want to thank Joanna for her leadership, care and compassion over the past 9 years. As we celebrate 10 years of existence, developing against the backdrop of various challenging factors, Joanna always advocated for commitment to fairness and being led by values which has become part of the DNA of Heart of Glass. We look forward to working with her in new ways going forward. We’re equally thrilled to welcome Tracy to team Heart of Glass. Tracy’s experience, knowledge and energy alongside her commitment to supporting artists and communities will be an incredible asset to the organisation as we embark on our next decade of development. We’re excited for the adventures that lie ahead!“

Tracy's extensive experience includes roles such as the founding Creative Director and CEO of Something To Aim For, and leadership in organisations like The Sick of the Fringe and In Company Collective, where she developed programmes focused on arts, health, and social justice. Her commitment to inclusion and social justice is informed by her lived experience as a working-class woman of colour. Gentles is also Chair of the Advisory Board at HighRise Entertainment CIC and serves as an appointed member of Manchester City Council’s Cultural Consortium Steering Group, supporting the development of the city's next cultural strategy.