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31 On Now

Home Work

2nd Apr 2020

What does care look like? How do we recognise it, how do we value it?

In addition to continuing to support the artists, freelancers, and collaborators who we work closely with through our ongoing programme, we also want to support more of you to make work and connect at this time of increased precarity and anxiety.

We know from past programmes such as In My Place that incredibly relevant, powerful and meaningful work can originate and unfold in our domestic spaces, that periods of isolation are not new for everyone, and that the kitchen table can be a space of radical possibility. As those of us fortunate enough to have safe spaces to retreat to will be doing so increasingly over the coming weeks, we want to support you to connect and create.

Home Work Commissions


What does care look like? How do we recognise it, how do we value it? Care is a central element of our programme at Heart of Glass, something we consider through many of our commissions, residencies and events. Our programme only happens because we work with a whole ecology of people who care - artists, community workers, facilitators, activists, hosts, producers. We’re offering micro-grants to ten individuals, to develop ideas to contribute to a collective compendium of care which we can share with others.

This is only a little support, equivalent to an average Artist day fee, so we are expecting you to only work up to 8 hours on this. We also know that our circumstances are all different and pressures on our time, headspace and resources all have an impact, and so whatever way you’d like to structure your work on this is the right way.

What could this look like? We’re open to any form that your work might take - for example a performance, a sound piece, an online conversation or masterclass, a zine, a blogpost, an image - anything which considers, embodies, speaks to the theme of care. We’re not interested in the making of stuff for the sake of making more stuff, so be honest with us, if you’d like to use this fee to spend some time thinking about how to support your community, share that with us!

How to apply:

Let’s make this easy, everyone has their mind on more important things right now - email with your idea and a just little bit of background about yourself/your practice, we welcome any format to share your idea with us, so use whatever format you’re comfortable using - text, images, video, sound. Please send your ideas over to us by 12th April 2020.

NOTE: We are prioritising applications from communities who are at the heart of our programme, if you identify as disabled, working class, LGBTQ+ or if you have refugee status, let us know.

Criteria for selection:

  • We will be selecting based on supporting equally across the communities and types of practices listed and on the strength of your idea only
  • This support is open to national and international applications but we are keen to particularly support St Helens and Liverpool City Region based individuals and anticipate allocating at least 75% of this funding locally

What you can expect from us:

  • Please send your ideas over to us by the 12th April
  • We will let you know if you have been selected or not by 17th of April
  • If selected we will pay your fee upfront upon submission of your invoice
  • If selected you will have the support of a Heart of Glass producer should you wish
  • We’re trying this out, we won’t have got everything right but it feels like one way to support our sector right now, let us know if you have feedback or if there’s something we could get better. We are anticipating that we will follow this round with a second round in the near future.

If you have any questions or queries about this opportunity, please email: